Conferences and Professional Development

OCPA Annual Conference

February 5 & 6, 2024
Hilton at Polaris

The OCPA Annual Conference is held every Winter in Columbus and is designed to help connect and reconnect higher education professionals and graduate students from all across Ohio through professional development. With highly engaging program sessions, engaging speakers and nightly socials, the Annual Conference is a great opportunity for professionals across the state to build a network of colleagues and enhance their own campus experience through professional development.

OCPA is a volunteer managed non-profit organization and is unable to provide refunds for professional development event registrations.

Stay tuned to learn about the FUTURE of the Careers Conference!

The OCPA Careers in Student Affairs Conference takes place each fall and is geared towards providing undergraduate students an opportunity to explore a career in Student Affairs. OCPA invites students to participate in a one day drive-in conference at one of the premier institutions of higher education around the state to discover the possibilities of choosing a career in higher education.

Professional Development Institutes

Professional Development Institutes are an ongoing series of one day drive-in professional development opportunities sponsored by OCPA. Each PDI is held at a sponsoring institution.